Mobile Application Testing : Understanding Major Mobile Automation Testing Tools
In this digital era, the landscape of mobile application is rising across all business verticals. It is due to the exceptional usability of such applications by several mobile end users. To tap such mobile users and transform them into your customer, organizations do everything possible and create applications which are appreciated by their potential users.
One of the common elements in any successful application development is the mobile application testing strategy. It makes sure that the mobile application covers all customer expectations and business objectives. This testing is a well-known test of mobile applications which is needed by applications in order to pass before they are deployed. Though testing also creates challenges on the cost optimization with the required ability to support various types of mobile devices, and OSs such as Android, iOS, and Windows. Sometimes, QA is expensive than even development, as organizations need to:
• Test on various device replicas, OSs, platforms, and combinations
• Test more often, due to multiple OS upgrades, the introduction of new device models, new releases to stay competitive on mobile features, etc.
The best resolution for this situation is the automation testing of mobile apps. Let’s have a look at the Top Test Automation Tools for mobile apps, which are helping organizations to save cost and win at mobile app testing.
Appium is a well-known open-source mobile automation testing tool which allows developers to test various Android-based mobile web applications as well as hybrid applications.

Robotium is one of the first automation testing tools for Android. Robotium’s objective is to write tests for emulating user actions such as clicking, touching, and typing easy and simple. It can be used on the source code for the application, and it can run on both emulators and real devices.
SeeTest is one of the best commercial automation testing mobile app tool which comes with lots of predefined keywords to easily automate the application. As it’s a cross-platform solution, the same script runs on different devices. It enables the test to run on various devices simultaneously and registers on real devices.
MonkeyRunner is an extremely advance Android testing application tools that pledges an Application Programming Interface (API) to be used for writing programs in order to help developers automate and device all kinds of functional test cases of Android devices. This testing tool is chastely written in Python programming language.
Calabash is a test automation framework that facilitates mobile developers and everyone without
coding skills to build and perform automated acceptance tests for Android and iOS apps. Being an automated acceptance testing framework, Calabash works well with Ruby, Java, .NET, Flex and several other programming languages.
Mobile app testing automation is an intricate task. An effective automation testing mobile app tool as per the criteria and budget can be achieved.
There are various factors such as availability of tools, compatibility, network and environment setup, recording and location essentials on UI tricks, a system configuration for desktop and server machines must be considered in order to plan effective automation project delivery that makes an application stable and free from bugs, earning app clients’ appreciation.
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