How to Derive the Best ROI From Selenium Based Test Automation Tools or Frameworks

There is no more an argument about whether test automation is required for an organization. The rising demand for shorter time to market and the resultant continuous delivery approach to software development has necessitated test automation.

The question that now calls for debate is what tool best suits the needs of a business. What product or platform or framework works well with the application under test (AUT), and can be seamlessly integrated into the software development and delivery lifecycle at the organization? Which technology requires minimum human resource management, in terms of both recruitment and training, yet can deliver optimal results?

Selenium is among the front-runners in this debate, and rightly so due to the following reasons:

1. Multi-browser and multi-OS support

Selenium is the most versatile test automation tool for web browsers. It can work with almost all web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari. No other tool provides such flexibility when it comes to cross-browser testing.

Selenium is also compatible with multiple operating systems. Linux, Windows and Unix. This makes it easy to deploy and run test automation across different systems and environments.

2. Open source

Selenium has a very active group of contributors, and this lends robustness to this tool. Reviewed, improved and scrutinized by peers, open source software often serves as the breeding ground for innovation. Among the primary factors that place Selenium over QTP or any other test automation tool is the price factor. Most of the commercial test automation tools in use today are costly when compared to Selenium as they include licensing costs. Selenium can be leveraged to meet the specific needs of an AUT, and can be the tailored best fit for an organization’s automation needs.

Having access to an open source test automation tool helps teams build confidence in the technology, and helps them decide whether or not they can leverage Selenium to meet their particular needs.

3. Language Agnostic

Building and using Selenium test automation tools do not require your team to drop everything and learn a new programming language. C#, Java, Python, Ruby, Groovy, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, VB Script, and a wide range of other languages can be used with Selenium.

4. Integration Friendly

The Selenium framework is compatible with numerous tools that enable a range of functions: source code management, test case development, tracking and reporting tests executed, continuous integration, and so on. Selenium is compatible with other software and tools, which allows building and deployment of test automation into DevOps workflows. You can customize your test automation tool to be an exact fit for your AUT and organizational needs.

Despite Selenium’s versatility, accessibility and the ease of use, leveraging it for test automation calls for strategic planning and execution. To be able to achieve the goal of shorter time to market with very high confidence in the software developed, Selenium can be used to its full potential only when the test automation team is driven by right approach and strategy.


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