Your Step-by-Step Mobile Application Testing Process

Phase 1: Planning When the development phase is almost complete, you must figure out what you're trying to achieve and what constraints you have. You should know the following: Does the app interact with other apps? Are all the features functional? Is the app Native or Mobile-web or Hybrid? Is the app testing limited to front-end? Does it include back-end testing as well? What is the compatibility with multiple networks? How frequently data/space based on usage? How is the load handled? Does any change in phone status affect the application flow? Make sure you communicate with the team about their roles and your expectations. After all, communication is key to maintaining a great team environment. This is also true when you create your test case sheet. The entire QA team should maintain and update this document with all functionality implemented throughout the entire process. Phase 2: Identify Testing Types Before testing any mobile apps, decid...